Temporal Matrix Factorization
[Question A] For any partially observed data matrix with the observed index set
, suppose
is the orthogonal projection supported on
, then the matrix factorization (i.e.,
are the rank-
latent factor matrices) involving temporal modeling on latent temporal factors (i.e.,
) can be formulated as follows,
where is the coefficient matrix. The symbol
denotes Kronecker product.
are known, then how to optimize the variables
? Do these variables have any closed-form solutions?
Note that
where is the
th column of
, while
is the
th column of
Is it possible to use alternating least squares (ALS) method to solve the optimization problem?
[Note] Let be the objective, the first-order partial derivatives are:
- with respect to
- with respect to
Let , then we have a vectorized closed-form solution to
where , and we have
In this case, we also define a block matrix
with the following sub-matrix
- with respect to
where .
Here, we have a sequence of matrices:
[Question B] How do the following two models perform?
Which is better?
[Question C] What is the difference between
[Note] For , the first-order partial derivative is given by